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Home: Welcome
Home: Who We Are


Rose Coloured Apocalypse envisions an expanded view of theatre and a more conscious, caring, and connected world. 


To this end, Rose Coloured Apocalypse creates theatre that explores theatrical conventions: space, audience/performer relationship, how we interact, and any other that will deepen connection, in order to better lean into the liveness of the medium and push thought and action on societal conventions forward. In other words, "we" make Theatre for the Revolution.





Photo from Anomie (Fringe 2017) dir. Eric Rae

Photo and script by Wren Brian, featuring Heather Krahn and Victoria Hill

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Founder/Artistic director/Only person in the company

Okay, so the "we" may be a little disingenuous. We are only one person. That person is me. Hi! My name is Eric (he/them/iel) and I'm a non-binary actor and director who makes theatre that is literally outside the box. Or inside the box, but uses the box in unconventional ways. It's all about space! And by all I mean mostly. If this is complicated or doesn't make a lot of sense, that's okay. We're all learning, myself included! I try to make theatre that is a little confusing. I want to make people think about what we often consider foundations of society, things we take for granted as true. That can be a little disconcerting, and that's okay.


Eric studied acting at the University of Winnipeg through the Acting Honours program and theory and directing at the University of Nice in through the Master Arts du Spectacle program, though considers real world experience more important than papers from colonial institutions.

Home: About Us

This is a call...

Rose Coloured Apocalypse is just me. Theatre is not a solo medium. Revolution is not an individual endeavour. I’m looking for people interested in creating Theatre for the Revolution*. The gaps in my abilities lie in the administrative and production side of things, but I encourage anyone to reach out! We are stronger in numbers! I’m a white, non-disabled enby, and I to want encourage diverse people to reach out, as it's hard to challenge the status-quo from different angles if all you have is one perspective.

*I know what that means to me, but what that will look like for RCA in the future will depend on what that looks like to you!


Finding money is part of the process, and part of the reason for this call. The goal is to pay anyone involved with RCA for the work they do, at or above industry standard. This is my career, but I don’t make money unless everyone involved is making money.

Who is “anyone”? Anyone is anyone with time and energy to commit to revolution through theatre. “We” want to build a structure that works for those involved. We’re not looking to recreate hierarchical, colonial structures that put some above others, for whatever reason. We’re looking to build a community, no matter the size. Theatre people who want to help build community, or community builders who are interested in theatre, please reach out!

Theatre for the Revolution is any theatre that inspires revolutionary action or thought, any theatre that challenges the toxic status quo of our world. It is intersectional, recognizing that It can be expressly revolutionary or not, it can be a call to action or not, it can be participatory or not. It can break theatrical conventions, or follow them to a tee. It might not even look like theatre. “We” tend to lean toward the expressly revolutionary, and community building.


Those interested, please send a message here, with a quick “hey I’m interested” or the like. Feel free to include any info you’d like in the initial message, but we’ll get to such details. This is already long enough.

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Rose Coloured Apocalypse operates on the lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples and the homeland of the Métis nation. While this is Treaty 1 territory, we recognize that the treaties were not signed in good faith, nor upheld by colonizers and were in many ways harmful to the people who lived here for tens of thousands of years prior to colonization. We recognize the rights of the Indigenous peoples living on this land, and that these rights are not being respected by the settler-colonial state that is Canada. The art we create, and our mission and vision are heavily informed by these facts, and we strive to do what we can to make things right, recognize that we will make mistakes along the way, and seek to learn from them to be better accomplices to the original peoples of this land. We support the Land Back movement and stand in solidarity with all colonized peoples from Turtle Island to Palestine.



Home: What We Do
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Regular Play for Humans

In development.

"Our" most ambitious project yet. In some ways. Keep an eye on our Instagram account for details.

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